To strengthen and equip a growing number of communities of like-minded men with the goal of promoting physical, spiritual, emotional and mental health

What We Do

Every week SOLiD Men meet at various locations for fitness & fellowship.  

Every session is FREE!! 

What makes it a SOLiD session?

Where two or three are gatheredSession lead by different men, in rotationLeader shares a word based on scripture, this shapes the workout session.Open in prayer, close in prayer - shoulder to shoulderPhoto or it didn't happenCoffee chats after - every man gets an opportunity to share
Get in touch to join a session



SATURDAYS from 545am 

Come along for our free, peer-led workouts held across Penrith, Blacktown and the Blue Mountains.  Workouts are always outdoors and focus on body weight movements & cardio fitness.
Suggested items to bringTowel - Water Bottle - Mat - Gloves - Concrete Brick

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